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Hoffman International Properties LLC
Mary Kay Daughters/ Jeff Brown, Hoffman International Properties LLCPhone: (203) 829-8113
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Home Safety

Posted on 05/12/2024
Pets at Home: How to Make Your Pet Safe
Pets can fill your home with joy and provide you with unconditional love and companionship. However, they can also end up getting into trouble or being mischievous at times, which is why it's important to make your home as safe as possible. You can turn your home into a more pet-friendly place with the following tips. Keep Hazardous...
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Posted on 03/24/2024
Fireplace Safety 101: Basic Tips for Homeowners
A functional fireplace is an extremely sought-after feature in any home. Regardless of the climate, a fireplace can provide a special coziness and warmth for everyone to enjoy. However, it's important to practice fireplace safety habits and keep up with maintenance. Here are some basic tips for safely enjoying your fireplace at home: Minimize Soot Buildup Chimney sweeping...
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Posted on 11/19/2023
Hurricane Safety: 3 Tips for Pet-Owners
Preparing for a hurricane requires knowing how to keep everyone in your home safe--including your pets. Having an emergency plan for your pets as well as the people in your household will help you stay calm and safe if a hurricane happens in your area. Here are some tips for keeping your pets safe during a hurricane: Set...
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Posted on 08/06/2023
Room revamp: Quick tips for turning your home office into a baby nursery
When expanding your family, it's always a good idea to consider the space you have available. If you've relocated or upgraded your home office to a new space in the house but still have the remnants of your old office lingering in a decent sized room, you can repurpose it into a baby's nursery. Here are a few...
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Posted on 12/11/2022
A basic guide to DIY hiome security systems
Having a home security system is a great way to protect...
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